The sugar cooker adopts a fixed sugar cooking boiler, the lower part of which is added with an outlet duct, and the massecuite directly is conveyed from the outlet by a pump; 该熬糖机采用了固定式熬糖锅,熬糖锅的下部增加出口导管,糖膏直接从出口用泵输送;
Less tender cuts of meat are tenderized by cooking with moist heat. Development of boiler heat efficiency optimization system 较硬的牛肉块可通过湿热的方法予以软化。火电厂锅炉热效率优化调整软件的开发
The cream is made by whipping egg yolks and sugar together until the yolk is almost white, adding hot milk little by little, and cooking in a double boiler. 这种奶油通过打发鸡蛋黄和糖知道蛋黄几乎变白,一点点加入热牛奶,在一个双层蒸锅中蒸煮。
Methods of cleaner production, separation heavily polluted wastewater from slightly polluted one, wastewater-waste gas integrated treatment were utilized to deal with cooking black liquor, washes and boiler gas from refined cotton production. 采用清洁生产、清污分流、水气综合治理等方法处理精制棉生产过程中的蒸煮黒液、洗涤废水和锅炉烟气。